Thursday, May 17, 2012

Write, Write, Write...Right?

So given the fact that it's been over a month since my last post, the title doesn't make much sense, but despite my minor absence (okay, you can say missed me a whole lot... lol), a bunch of writing has been going on, and even more writing ideas have been forming in my little mind to share with you all. I promise I will fulfill them...eventually.

The reason why I guess I actually gave my self the kick in the pants to get on here and start writing something is because I was reading an article about Carlos Fuentes, one of my favorite author's who passed away this week. In this it gives Carlos' 10 tips for Writers, and number one is right on the ball with what I need to work on.
1. Discipline: Not as an antidote to dreaming but as a necessary regimen to focus on the purpose of your task. It won't write itself. One must dream, but not in a place of working, and never await inspiration. Work in focus, get it done.

So from today I can say I'm going to put effort into getting from the brain waves to the page ( and the added step from the page to the website most of the time too.. lol). A bunch of more poems to post on CathyBean Poetry for April's National Poetry Writing month.

Not last (because I have lots of writing to do.. lol) and certainly not least... I was afforded the great opportunity to be a contributor for MadBudget, a local guide to Madrid. So without further ado my first piece was published this month, and I'm working on a second!!

Anyway, thanks for reading and staying with me everyone, it really does mean a lot. Oh and I gave in, now you can follow me on Twitter @CathyArely.

Much Love,


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